lunes, 10 de febrero de 2014

Wonder Woman

Un amigo aficionado al comic de superhéroes me propuso dibujar a Wonder Woman.
Aunque desconozco bastante el género, me pareció una propuesta interesante.
Por desgracia no salvé el dibujo en buena calidad, así que volveré a colorearlo a partir del boceto y cuando termine compartiré la nueva versión.

A friend of mine, who likes superheroes comics, suggested me to draw one of his favorite characters, Wonder Woman.
I'm not a big fan of that kind of characters, but found the idea pretty challenging.
Unfortunately, I didn't save the file at a good resolution.
I'll color again the previous sketch to have a better colored version of this work. As soon as a finish the new coloring, I'll share it , so you'll be able to compare it to this one.

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